Path of Love Retreats
Give yourself a second chance at a better life today
Step-by-step, Path Retreats open your eyes and empower you to live the life you have always dreamed of and hoped for…a life full of joy, vitality and deep connection to yourself and others, your creativity and your work.

What is the Path of Love Retreat?
The Path of Love 7-Day Retreat is the centerpiece of our work. We began leading it in 1995 and it now takes place in 14 countries around the world. Thousands of people’s lives have been deeply transformed by their participation in this retreat.
A new beginning…a second chance. Once you taste it you never forget it! This process is about being real. The Path of Love opens your eyes and empowers you to live the life you dream is possible – a life full of authenticity, joy and connection.
The Path of Love is an intense and effective developmental process, which will support you to find inner resources to transform your life. Integrating the latest research and understandings in scientific and spiritual development, this work teaches the tools necessary to access and develop your emotional intelligence, facilitating a shift in self-awareness, empathy and motivation. This inner shift has a direct effect on your state of well-being, outer confidence and interpersonal relationships.

Walking the Path…
This is our groundbreaking new process for everyone who has done the Path of Love 7-Day Retreat. Virtually every participant who goes through the Path of Love has deeply meaningful breakthroughs, profound realizations about themselves and experiences of feeling free from their past. Even though participants have an inspired vision of how they want to live their lives, it can be challenging to integrate those deep openings into their relationships, families and working lives. This is why Walking the Path is the next step.
By doing the inner work, you get a taste of what it is to stand in your own truth. Living that truth in your day-to-day, nitty-gritty life takes bold courage, commitment and a willingness to learn from your stumbles and failures.
In Walking the Path, you will become aware of how you sabotage and compromise your deepest truths, values and needs. Through the power of honest inquiry and exposure, and the strong challenge and support of the group, you will make a significant shift into self-esteem, respect and dignity. You will learn the steps of how to meet the challenges of your life in a more conscious and embodied way.
Walking the Path is a powerful four-day process where you will make surprising new turns into the unknown, bringing you to that edge where you are most vibrantly alive and ready to step forward in a fresh and new way.
When Walking the Path you will find:
• A healthy awareness of your patterns of self-sabotage and compromise
• An increased capacity to accept and be with the truth
• A renewed sense of responsibility
• Enhanced self-esteem, dignity and respect
• A deepened sense of compassion towards yourself and others
• Joy in life
• Embodiment of courage and strength
This is a unique Path Retreats process, offered for graduates of the Path of Love.
For who?
This work is designed for people who are ready to make a shift in consciousness and to change their quality of living, connecting and loving. Since our first Path Retreat in 1995, we have welcomed participants from approximately 40 countries ranging in age from 17 to 84. All are welcome!