Path of Love

Staff Brazil September 2024

Osheanic Retreat Center, Brazil

September 12th - 20th 2024

Hello there!

In case we haven’t met yet, I woukd like to introduce myself.

My name is Safi and I’m from Brazil.

Right after my Path of Love in 2015, I had the dream to be part of the POL team, and it is an honor for me to share that it has come true. Since 2018 I have been Staff and Participants Coordinator in Brazil and Participants Organizer in Scandinavia. Furthermore, I feel very happy to be the Staff Coordinator in Portugal for the second time in a row.

I’m super excited and looking forward to work and have FUN together!


We made this webpage just for you! Our intention is to make your registration as a staff member as easy as possible. This also includes giving you multiple payments options and plans you can check below.

Our beautiful team in Brazil will be led by Talib and Shubhaa.
We will have 4HS. So far, Talib, Shubhaa, Akshi, Abigail, Pavita and Avinash will be our facilitators.



You missed out!

Osheanic Retreat Center, Brazil

September 12th - 20th 2024

The dates for the Staff are from September 12th - 20th 2024, 
Thursday to Friday.

You will be requested to be at the venue on Thursday the 12th, at least at 9:00 am. It’s important to arrive on time. After your arrival and visiting of your room, we will have our first Staff Meeting on Thursday the 12th around 10:00 am. From there, we will start working to prepare the container for the Path of Love retreat. The participants will arrive on Friday the 13th in the afternoon.

If you want to be part of the Staff, you will need to commit to being present until the evening (around 8:00pm) on Friday, September 20th. In the same way we will start it all together, we will end up together too!

We always like to suggest that you extend your stay until the next morning. It would be really great if you could stay so we can organize everything calmly, have dinner and hang out a bit. Usually we host a party, or we just relax together. Whatever feels right…

In this case we would leave the venue all together on Saturday, September 21st, after breakfast.


Values - Staff Accommodation and Meals
From the September 12th (including dinner) to September 20th (including breakfast and lunch)


R$ 4030 cash /
R$ 4243 credit card


R$ 3062 cash / 
R$ 3219 credit card


R$ 2758 cash / 
R$ 2899 credit card


R$ 2414 cash / 
R$ 2539 credit card

INDIVIDUAL TENT (limited amount available): R$1870 cash / R$1971 credit card

Important note about accommodation:
After your approval as a staff, you will need to inform us of your FIRST and SECOND choice of accommodation. We will do our best to keep your first choice.

Fill in the form below to let me know you would like to jump on this beautiful adventure with us.

With love,

Sign up and confirm your participation now!

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