Opening to Intimacy

A course for couples

A committed intimate relationship is one of the most beautiful aspects of life, as well as one of the most challenging.

May 28th to June 1st

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A committed intimate relationship is one of the most beautiful aspects of life, as well as one of the most challenging. That which is reflected about ourselves in intimacy and sexuality can be a great learning and in todays world keeping intimacy alive and flowing requires dedication to self knowledge, time and tools. Sometimes there are unresolved conflicts or issues which we either didn’t have the time to clear up or we just minimized its importance by putting it aside, which keep the heart and body from wanting to open up.

This group is offered for couples and is an invitation to give yourselves time to be, to learn, to love, to rekindle, to be intimate and expand the connection which is between you. There is no right or wrong way of coming to this retreat. You don’t need any problems to join… this is simply a valuable and sacred time for you and your relationship.

For some this retreat is about re-awakening the flame of love that they once had. For others it’s about setting a foundation for a new love to grow. For most, it’s a discovery of oneself through a relational field of intimacy where tenderness and vulnerability revels its splendor. For us, it’s about re-connecting with the flow of sex, love and prayer.

Opening and navigating in the sacred space of Intimacy is an art which needs to be learned. Most of us missed this training in our education systems and within the roll models of our parents and families. This retreat mixes the wisdom of Eastern Tantric practices with latest scientific research in attachment theory and relational trauma resolution.

The structure of the group is based on three pillars:

1. Theory – Teachings

2. Experimental – Personal experience to integrate into real life and relating.

3. Integration – Meditation and mindfulness practices.

The couples will do all intimate exercises together creating a safe, private and deepening effect into the relationship. There will be individual sharing’s to bring privacy to each individual as well as group sharing’s to receive support from the larger group when needed.

The exercises or experimental aspects could include:

– Emotional release breath work

– Bio-energetics – Relational Dynamic Psychodrama

– Trauma Releases Exercises

– Tantric breathing in couples

– Boundary exploration and repair

– Conflict resolution

– Healing Touch

– Open Sharing’s

– Sensual awakening with partners

– Training in self regulation and regulation of your partners nerves system.

– Connection and celebration through the body.

– Meditation – Training in awareness

The basic schedule of the day: (Might change according to the need of the group)

7:30-8:30 Morning Meditation

8:30-10:30 Breakfast and sunbathing by the pool (when in Brazil)

10:30-13:00 Morning session

13:00-15:00 Lunch-Rest and time to be together.

15:00-17:30 Afternoon session

17:30-18:00 Tea Break

18:00-19:00 Meditation

19:00-20:30 Dinner Break

20:30-22:00 Evening session

“When we know ourselves we are more loving parents, friends, lovers and relate to the world and ourselves with more relaxed confidence.” Talib & Shubhaa

For who?

This workshop is for couples or committed lovers who would like to explore and develop themselves through their sexuality and intimacy. During the explorations and exercises of this workshop, the couples will only exchange together, creating safety and deepening trust within the relationship.

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