We envision a world where sustainability is grounded in the mental, emotional, and relational well-being of the leaders who shape our boards, companies, organizations, families, and communities. These individuals navigate their Human Intelligence (HI) through a “felt sense mind field awareness” rooted in their bodies intelligence. We believe that human relationships require both connection and freedom to support sustainability, which forms the foundation of our planet’s environment and core values for sustainable governance.

Through our work with people over the years, we have observed a pattern of separation within individuals. Many view their professional and personal selves as distinct entities. While this separation can seem practical for focusing on tasks at work, it raises the question: Does this approach support or hinder mental and emotional sustainability? Research indicates that people need to feel seen, understood, safe, and included to excel in their talents. Ignoring the inner lives of individuals at work can undermine our focus on mental and emotional well-being. When individuals offer only their “professional performance selves,” are we truly benefiting from their full potential? Could teams and colleagues gain more from knowing and collaborating with the whole person?

We invite you to explore this concept. Consider the 5 to 10 relationships in your life where you spend the most time each day. Visualize their faces and make a short list of their names. Rate from 0 to 10 how much you allow these people to know about your internal thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams, and fears (0 being never and 10 being regularly). Reflect on how you feel around these people: relaxed, confident, authentic, judged, ashamed, afraid, or mistrustful? Can you be yourself, or do you adopt a role with each of them? Without judgment, what can you learn about yourself in relation to these people?

This exercise can reveal your level of sustainability. When we are surrounded by trusting, supportive individuals, we can relax, self-reflect, take risks, and grow. Conversely, when we feel defensive and emotionally guarded, we experience constant stress and anxiety, which can deplete our inner resources.

We recognize the need to redefine our approach to sustainability. It’s not just about the environment and sustainable energy projects; it’s about the mental and emotional quality of our daily lives and the lives of those around us. This understanding is key to true sustainability.


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