Developing Emotional Intelligence

– Why we do what we do –

e believe that intelligence and a natural curiosity to learn and explore ourselves are the necessary edge to transform and make a difference in our lives. Our efforts to know and share who we authentically are beyond our status quo social masks and conditioned personalities unlock our aliveness, spontaneity and personal well-being and benefit our children, partners, close friends and everyone we know.

We believe that we can change this world by transforming ourselves… that our very presence can become the example and inspiration for others to make a change… We believe that our personal and professional relationships are the vehicle for this integration into daily life. We are passionate about this and want to ignite your passion in this adventure of becoming a difference!

– How we work –

Through workshops, sessions, lectures and transformational seminars, we study and explore what we consider to be the foundation of our driving forces as human beings: Belonging, Survival & Sexuality. Through self knowledge, awareness and authentic revelation, we unlock the wisdom within the physical body, heart and mind, accessing our inbuilt biological intelligence for well-being, love and connection. The discovery of our personal potential is a life time journey which starts right here and now.



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