Couples Laboratories

Fundamentals for personal well-being and intimate connections

After many years of working with people we believe that the core meaning of life begins and ends when you have quality in your relationships. Therefore, we are very happy to share with you a new series of Explorations for Couples we call “Laboratories” where you can invest in the quality of your relating.

These three Labs below are the first of a series of Laboratories we are offering to couples to build and deepen intimacy in daily life.
Every Lab has a beginning, a middle, and an end. However, the tools and wisdom you’ll develop are meant to guide you on a lifelong journey together. This work is ongoing, and everything you receive will be a preparation for the road ahead.
These LAB sessions focus on tracking your journey, giving you insights, tools & nurturing your connection. They offer a safe, private environment for you and your partner to explore these powerful tools during 5 x 90 min meetings under the guidance of Talib & Shubhaa. When purchasing these Labs you will have 45 days to complete the 5 sessions as this work is designed to have a consistent exploration experience.
We’re available to answer any questions you might have regarding these LABS with a short free live call with us through this link.
We look forward to explore with you in a LAB soon!

For who?

These LABS are for couples wanting to build and deepen their connection and intimacy through exploring real dynamics in their relationships as a platform for developing their relational & emotional Intelligence.

Upcoming dates

To keep committed relationships alive, passionate, respectful, and authentic, it’s crucial to understand the natural ebb and flow of connection. This cycle, which includes Connection (desiring closeness), Disconnection (needing individual space), and Repair (reconnecting), is a fundamental rhythm in relationships. Understanding, integrating and normalizing this cycle can resolve many unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings.

Many of us are conditioned to please our partners, even at the cost of our own truth. This tendency can erode our self-worth, confidence, sexuality, and the overall health of the relationship. Authentic communication is the key to reversing this pattern. When you can express an authentic “No,” you empower your “Yes” to be genuine. This LAB will help you discover the power of expressing your authentic “Yes & NO”, transforming your relationship dynamics into what you truly desire.
 Raising children is one of life’s greatest blessings, but it can also strain a couple’s intimacy. Many couples don’t realize the impact until it’s deeply felt in their relationship. The bond that once brought you together can feel distant, and the desire for intimacy may fade. This LAB provides tools and insights to navigate these changes, helping you rejuvenate your Intimacy as you grow together as parents. Your love and connection as a couple are the very foundation that supports your children’s development into healthy, loving, and intelligent individuals. It is possible to recover & rekindle what has been lost—join us to discover how.


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